Our Brand Stories

Journey to A Fitter and Healthier Team Pantaloons

by ABFRLadmin | December 9, 2022

We at ABFRL, present stories excerpted from our internal newsletter In Touch, where we celebrate stories of our people and their contributions.

The stress of working on the frontlines during a pandemic and the fact that most other symptoms have been ignored in the past couple of years have played heavily on the minds of employees and Pantaloons management. Keeping frontline employee wellbeing in mind, the HR team has shifted focus to ensure the health and wellness of employees.

Imagine we are at the peak of the festive season. Our Pantaloons stores are rife with activity, and our frontline staff are juggling multiple families who want to put their best fashion foot forward. Just then, the employee feels a sharp pang in their left arm. They ignore the pain to serve customers.

What if this goes too far? However, this was no fictional story. In the past year, Pantaloons has lost 2-3 of its employees to various health issues, not limited to COVID. Such alarming incidents pushed the HR team, headed by Chinmay Jain, to undertake initiatives focused on driving the health and wellness of all employees.

One of the main objectives of this exercise was to identify employees at high health risk and ensure they get the correct treatment at the right time. After extensive research, the team zeroed in on a digital solution.

The seamless process of the digital service required employees to take an assessment, which included details about body parameters, lifestyle, health-based history, and uploading a selfie. Based on the inputs provided, the technology identifies health risks in four areas: 20+ body vitals, physiological health, mental health, and cardiac health.

As of now, over 90% frontline Pantaloons employees have availed the service. This data, curated from the app, will be used to create focused initiatives for the improved well-being of our employees.


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