Hidden Gems of ABFRL

From Navy Blue to Pantaloons’ Teal: Sushanta Kamal’s Journey of Service

by ABFRLadmin | August 14, 2024

Inside the story of the Indian Navy Veteran who’s turning military discipline into retail innovation.

In this fast-moving world of fashion and retail, where trends and consumer preferences often take center stage, the quiet service of those working behind the scenes can sometimes go unnoticed. One such contributor is a veteran of the Indian Navy, Sushanta Kamal, Group Manager – Projects, Pantaloons.

Let’s go back to the start, when Sushanta’s Naval Service began in 1992, as he was commissioned to the Indian Navy’s Technical Wing. For 15 years from that point, he worked in an environment where precision and reliability were simply non-negotiable on the job. His responsibilities included the maintenance and repair of existing machinery and the R&D to commissioning of new product development, a role that became even more critical when he served during the Kargil War in 1999. As the head of the Engineering Division in the Indian Navy, Sushanta ensured that the machinery on which the Navy depended was always in top working condition, often in challenging circumstances.

“In the good old days, like when I was part of Operation Vijay, there were several geopolitical implications, so the pressure was tremendous, but we always only focused on the next job at hand and execution to the best of our abilities.”

However, Sushanta is not one to boast about his military achievements. He speaks of his time in the Navy with humility, focusing on the lessons he learned rather than the accolades he received. “It was about doing the job right and ensuring that everything worked as it should. We were all part of a larger mission, and every role was important,” he reflects.

Bringing Military Precision to Retail Operations

When Sushanta transitioned to the corporate world, working first at 5 Star Luxury Hotels, then multispecialty medical facilities, he found that the values and skills he developed in the Navy were surprisingly relevant to his new role. At Pantaloons, he continues to bring that precision and discipline to his responsibilities, ensuring that all equipment and processes under his purview run smoothly.

“Discipline to me is not just about following orders; it was about understanding the broader implications of our actions,” Sushanta explains. “In my current role, I apply the same principle. Every decision we make in the technical division has a ripple effect on the entirety of Pantaloons, so it’s important to be thorough and thoughtful.”

Sushanta’s approach to his work is methodical and grounded in the same attention to detail that was required in his Naval career. He has also brought with him a strong sense of organizational culture, something that was deeply ingrained in him during his years of service. At Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited, he has organized knowledge-sharing sessions and workshops that bring together teams from different departments and regions. These sessions are designed to ensure that everyone, from ground-level workers to senior management, understands the technical details that are critical to the company’s success.

Sustainability: A Lifelong Practice

One of the key areas where Sushanta’s naval experience has had a significant impact is sustainability. In the Navy, resource management was a daily challenge. Freshwater was limited, and even energy had to be carefully rationed. These constraints taught Sushanta the importance of making the most of what was available—a lesson that has proven invaluable in his current role.

“Sustainability wasn’t just some box for us to tick off in the Navy; it was a necessity,” Sushanta recalls. “We had to be innovative with the resources we had, whether it was using desalination technology for water treatment or managing energy consumption on the ship.”

Building Teams and Bridging Gaps

Another area where Sushanta’s experience has proven invaluable is in team building and collaboration. In the Navy, he was responsible for bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and uniting them under a common goal. This skill has translated well into his current role, where the team he leads, manages 200 maintenance professionals across India, each with their own unique working styles and cultural differences.

“Teamwork in the Navy was about understanding and respecting each other’s strengths,” Sushanta says. “The same applies here. We must work together across different regions and departments to achieve our goals. It’s not about individual achievements; it’s about what we can accomplish as a team.”

Sushanta’s approach to teamwork is pragmatic and focused on building a collaborative culture. He emphasizes the importance of communication and mutual respect, ensuring that every team member feels valued and heard. By grooming and developing their knowledge, the 200 team members who look up to him can become more efficient resources and independent problem solvers. This approach has helped improve organizational excellence and fostered a sense of unity within his team.

A Quiet Commitment to Excellence

As India celebrates its Independence Day, Sushanta Kamal’s story offers a quiet reminder of the values that underpin both military service and corporate success. He plans to celebrate 15th August in his favourite way, performing a number of Bollywood Classics amidst his Naval fraternity at the Boat Club in Pune.

His journey from the Navy to Pantaloons is not marked by grand gestures or dramatic achievements, but by a steady, consistent commitment to

excellence in service. He embodies the principles of discipline, integrity, and sustainability in a humble, yet deeply affecting way.

At Pantaloons, Sushanta’s contributions may not always be in the spotlight, but they are essential to the way the brand functions. His work ensures that the processes and equipment that drive the brand’s success are always in top condition, and his efforts in sustainability are helping to shape a more responsible future for the organization.

As we honor the many ways in which people contribute to our nation’s progress, Sushanta’s story serves as a reminder that service comes in many forms. Whether on the battlefield or in the boardroom, it is the quiet dedication to doing the job right, every single day, that truly makes a difference.

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