by ABFRLadmin | January 22, 2020
ABFRL has launched a first-of-its-kind Open Innovation Challenge in collaboration with the Circular Apparel Innovation Factory (CAIF). Through this challenge, ABFRL invites creative minds and innovators to answer the question How might we replace single use plastic packaging with non-pollutant materials and systems?
The problem posed by the use of single use plastic is significant, with estimates of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) stating that India generates 26,000 tonnes of plastic waste every day. This plastic ends up in the landfills and adds to the pre-existing levels of pollution.
Through the Open Innovation Challenge, ABFRL invites innovators, manufacturers and startups from all over the world to propose a solution to this pressing issue.
To solve this problem, innovators can take two approaches.
The first is Design by Replacement, where they can find alternatives to plastic packaging. The second is Design to Close the Loop to find different innovative ways in which single use plastic can be collected back from the supply chain and can be refurbished or recycled for further use.
The innovators who manage to come up with fitting and deployable solutions have an exciting prize waiting for them. ABFRL, in collaboration with CAIF, will share these learnings with the industry at large.
At a company level, ABFRL has made significant strides in their packaging journey by optimizing the usage of packaging material and developing a unique digital platform to get a firsthand view of packaging consumption. In fact, 85% of ABFRLs packaging material is now sustainable, with active efforts being made towards reaching the goal of being 100% sustainable.
Through the Open Innovation Challenge, ABFRL hopes that other innovators and stakeholders in the industry will join them on this journey, and will finally help replace single use plastic in the supply chain.