Corporate Culture

6 Things That Hint at a Great Work Culture

by ABFRLadmin | April 12, 2023

For most of us, adulting comes to a full circle when the question what do you want to be when you grow up? turns to which is your dream company? Every workplace has its own exclusive vibe and it is important to find a work culture that suits your personality best. How do you ascertain where you fit in the large scheme of things at your workplace? Here are 6 elements that give you a window to how an organization truly is.

1. Ive Got Your Back: Managers Who Encourage

Understanding and encouraging managers are godsend. A manager who also takes the time to teach you rather than discouraging is most sought after. If you are working with such managers, it is a sign that hints at a positive work culture. However, even if your manager is tough on you it doesnt mean that they are bad or are singling you out. Remember, everyone has a different approach while guiding their team!

2. Lighting the Bulb: Idea Exchange

Everyone has concepts they would like to discuss. People welcome stimulating conversations that facilitate exchange of ideas, it helps them to get ideas or look at differing viewpoints. A workplace that encourages exchange of ideas is often sought for and is a sign of great work culture.

3. Be Yourself, You Are Safe Here: Inclusion and Diversity

An inclusive and diverse workplace is another indicator of a great culture. These elements are essential for a companys growth. Organizations that take steps to promote inclusion and diversity as part of their values are viewed positively. These elements are also a factor in high employee retention and satisfaction.

4. Friends Forever: Close-Knit Teams

A good team of co-workers makes you want to wake up and take that long commute to office every day. Having supportive colleagues that mesh well with you is always a blessing. Not only do they make office hours a bit more vibrant, but they also have your back and console you when things go wrong. A close-knit team is another indication of a great work culture.

5. Weve Got a Winner in You: Growth and Recognition

It is evident that every employee desires growth and recognition during their employment. A sign of a workplace with a great work culture would be one that helps you grow as an individual. Such organizations provide you with an opportunity to grow as an employee and get the recognition you deserve. It will also help you achieve new milestones in your career.

6. Dont Knock, Just Walk In: The Open-Door Policy

 A sign of great work culture would be an open-door policy in the office. This hints at transparent communication and willingness of managers to listen to the employees suggestions, questions and problems. Such policies often help to break barriers that arise due to hesitation and make a company thrive. However, at times, keeping physical doors to a cabin open may not be advisable, given privacy of the nature of management roles. In this case, remember a closed door does not mean closed communication!

As you further navigate your way around the job-hunting maze, you realize that often a great work culture will decrease employee turnover. A positive work culture creates a comfortable environment that is often hard to leave. Consequently, an employees job satisfaction is often closely tied to a great work culture.

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