Corporate Culture

Battling Anaemia & Mental Health Issues to Keep MFL Factory Employees at the Forefront

by ABFRLadmin | June 7, 2023

We at ABFRL, present stories excerpted from our internal newsletter “In Touch”, where we celebrate stories of our people and their contributions.

What does it take to have a happy family? Among many other things healthy people ensure happiness around them. Physical health and mental wellbeing of our employees is high on the agenda of everything we do at ABFRL.

ABFRL’s Madura Clothing, is a set of factories beyond just a place that manufactures high-quality apparel. It is a place where the ABG values are personified every day and every employee lives by the ABG purpose. It epitomizes the ABFRL Culture, which is translated in every apparel that our customers proudly flaunt.

Gearing up for a healthier Madura Clothing

The Fashion Craft Ltd. (FCL) Unit flagged off a new initiative to identify and help 15 employees who suffer from severe anaemia. These individuals were served special juices made with beetroots, pomegranate, spinach, select dry fruits and other fruits. A few employees, whose haemoglobin levels were alarmingly low were taken to the nearby hospital for treatment. They were given iron sucrose injection infusion at the Marsur primary health centre. There was also a special camp for ORAL IFA supplement distribution and intake tracking system. These employees with severe anaemia will be served special iron-rich food and be encouraged for periodic checks on their haemoglobin levels. Similar treatments were carried out at all 9 manufacturing units of Madura.

Across Madura manufacturing, 8027 employees were part of Health Camps & Awareness Sessions conducted in H1 FY23. Employees were tested for basic vitals (height, weight, BP), extensive bloodwork, eye-check-up, ultrasonography and ECG. The team has observed a steady decline in cases of anaemia (10.5% from 12% LY) and gynaecological issues (1.1% from 2% LY). Post-COVID, the team has managed to ensure 100% coverage of COVID vaccination, completely free of cost.

STOP, REACT & RESPECT“: The Ethos of our Shopfloor work culture

A happy work place is also one that is safe for people bringing their best to their workstation every day. As mandated, there is an internal committee constituted under the POSH policy to specifically address complaints of sexual harassment and prescribe relevant disciplinary action. The initiative is internally known as STOP, REACT & RESPECT. It is being implemented to address concerns and raise awareness regarding sexual harassment, grievance redressal, gender equality and shopfloor behavioural issues.

Members of the committee include Leaders of the organization, who meet daily with the team. Each factory has a dedicated kiosk to raise any grievance confidentially. Once a request is registered in the system, all senior leaders including Head of Manufacturing, need to reply and resolve the issue within 3 days. The kiosk serves as a real-time mood indicator and facilitates in calculating the Happiness Index of the organization. Officially qualified welfare officers respond immediately to the employees at the workplace and they conduct close consultations/ counselling, as required. Smt. Vijayalakshmi Shetty, a Counsellor from an NGO, visits each unit bi-monthly. There is also a Wish box (a transparent letter box) in the factory canteen for employees to share any requirements at the work place.

Emotional Wellbeing with Stress Management

Being a labour intensive and a female-predominant industry, emphasis is given to empower employees to handle daily stress and violence (if any, due to domestic issues). Employees are sensitised and external support is provided to mitigate any exceptional situation including police protection, short stay shelter and legal aid. Home visits by qualified welfare officers help us understand and assess the situation. The ABFRL teams take appropriate and immediate actions to resolve employee pain areas with escalation at both factory and external women organisations. This has helped us bond with employees and develop their leadership qualities.

Living the ABG Values: Gold Jewellery found!

It is very easy to misplace things when you are engrossed in work, and Mrs Manjula from Unit 2 of the finishing department, much to her horror discovered that she misplaced her gold jewellery while working at the Europa Garments Ltd. (EGL) premises. To her relief, Mr Ramesh from the washing department of the factory found it and safely returned it to her. To reward his honesty and integrity, the factory manager honoured him with a small reward. We salute this act!

Supporting the Community during Bangalore Floods

As the flood ravaged through Bangalore city in September, the Madura Clothing team, after securing their own premises reached out to those affected by the calamity in Ramanagara District. Under the CSR initiative, The HAL HR Team of Parvathy Shetty, Kavitha, Sangeetha, Sridevi initiated the process of putting together ration kits and clothes for adults and children. These kits were distributed to around 450 people by Kalpana BG, Rahul Jindal and Jagadisha D S.

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