CSR with a Cause

A Tapestry of Triumph: Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Jan Kalyan Trust’s Stories Of Empowered Communities

by ABFRLadmin | August 8, 2024

Celebrating the Journeys of Women who Turned Challenges into Opportunities.

In the heart of rural India, where dreams often wither under the harsh sun of poverty, The Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Jan Kalyan (ABFRJK) Trust is nurturing a garden of hope – blooming fresh destinies, one empowered individual at a time. “Our goal is to create a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive,” Dr. Naresh Tyagi, Chief Sustainability Officer, ABFRL shares. “These success stories are just the beginning. We envision a future where every village in India is a hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.”

By training youth in Career Readiness, supporting Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Persons with Disability for Income Generation activities as part of sustainable livelihood initiatives under the Village Development Project, the Trust – supported by ABFRL’s CSR Department – is weaving a story of transformation, of challenges turned into opportunities, and of a company’s unwavering commitment to sustainable community development.

The Dawn of a New Era

Picture a village where the air is thick with the scent of possibility. S. Kurubatti Village is one such place where we meet Anitha Babu, a 36-year-old woman whose hands once toiled in the fields for meager daily wages. Today, those same hands dance across a loom, weaving not just cotton dhotis, but a future bright with promise.

With initial financial support, Anitha and her husband transformed their shared skill in handloom work into a thriving family enterprise. The transformation wasn’t instantaneous, but with time and toil, it began to thrive.

Now, their home buzzes with the rhythmic clack of looms and the sweet sound of financial independence. The cottage industry they’ve built produces high-quality cotton dhotis, a traditional garment still in high demand, which are transported and sold in Bengaluru. Through this, she’s able to bring an additional income of Rs. 15,000-20,000 through these looms

The impact of Anitha’s success extends beyond her immediate family. She’s become a role model in her village, inspiring other women to dream big.  

From A Fruit Stall to Financial Freedom

Just a few miles away, in R. Thummalapali village, 54-year-old M. Jayamma stands tall behind her fruit stall, a colorful testament to her indomitable spirit.

 Jayamma’s journey from a struggling housewife to a successful entrepreneur is a story of grit and community support. As a member of the Marimath Self-Help Group (SHG), Jayamma found not just financial backing, but a support system that believed in her potential.

The financial backing and business skills training she received through ABFRJK’s CSR initiative didn’t just stock her fruit stall; it nourished her children’s education and cultivated a crop of inspiration for other women in her village.

Today, Jayamma’s fruit stall is a hub of activity. Local residents flock to her for the freshest produce and a dose of her infectious optimism. “My children are in college now,” she says, beaming with maternal pride. “I never finished school myself, but thanks to this business, I’m able to give them the education I couldn’t have.”

Jayamma’s success has had a ripple effect in her community. Inspired by her story, other women in the Marimathi SHG have started their own micro-enterprises that will flourish in due time.

Under Sustainable Livelihood initiatives, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited supported and enabled 74 SHGs in FY’24 to undertake Income Generation Activities through financial support. These SHGs are trained on Bag and Paper plate making, Mushroom cultivation, Cattle rearing, Petty shops, etc. This initiative is lifting households out of poverty.

Stitching a New Narrative

In Anekal, the whir of a sewing machine heralds another story of transformation. Chandramma, 34, sits at her machine, her fingers guiding fabric with newfound expertise.

Chandramma’s journey from homemaker to entrepreneur began with a simple pamphlet about a tailoring program offered by ABFRL.  That decision proved to be life-changing. Chandramma enrolled in the two-month course, embarking on a journey that would challenge and ultimately transform her.

 Her initial struggles with the sewing machine mirror the challenges many face when embarking on a new path. But with each stitch, her confidence grew, and today, her monthly earnings of Rs. 4000-5000 are hemming a brighter future for her family.

Chandramma’s tailoring skills have made her a local celebrity of sorts. Her dedication to nurturing her skills has given her the talent to stitch a variety of garments such as shirts, churidars, blouses, lehengas, pants, dresses, and even carry bags.

In FY’24, 375 students successfully obtained certification across various courses.

3,270 Rural youths have been trained and certified in the last 10 years.

The Ripple Effect

 These stories are not isolated islands of success; they’re part of a vast network of empowerment created by ABFRL’s vision. In the fiscal year 2024 alone, 74 Self-Help Groups blossomed under ABFRJK’s nurturing, while 375 students like Chandramma graduated from various skill development courses.

“We’re not just training individuals; we’re building communities,” says Shubhasish Chakraborty, ABFRL’s CSR Head. “When you empower one woman, you uplift an entire family. When you support one entrepreneur, you inspire a village. Our goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem of growth and empowerment.”

The impact of these initiatives extends far beyond economic empowerment. They’re changing social dynamics, challenging gender norms, and creating a new generation of role models in rural India.

The Heart of ABFRL’s Mission

At the core of ABFRL’s initiatives is a deep-rooted belief in sustainable development. Our plan doesn’t just aim to provide short-term relief; it strives to create lasting change by equipping individuals with the skills and resources they need to build better lives for themselves and their communities.

This philosophy is embodied in the ABFRJK Trust Kaushalya initiative, which focuses on three key areas: skill training, career readiness, and support for income-generating activities. By addressing these fundamental aspects, ABFRL ensures that beneficiaries are not just given fish, but taught how to fish.

The Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Jan Kalyan (ABFRJK) Trust: A Catalyst for Change

The driving force behind these transformative initiatives is the Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Jan Kalyan (ABFRJK) Trust. Established with the vision of creating a more equitable society, the Trust takes on larger projects that benefit entire communities.

One such initiative is the Trust’s work in improving rural infrastructure. In partnership with local governments, ABFRJK has helped construct roads, set up solar-powered streetlights, and improve water management systems in several villages. These improvements not only enhance the quality of life for residents but also create a more conducive environment for economic activities.  

Weaving a Brighter Tomorrow

As the sun sets on another day of transformation, we’re proud to reflect on the tapestry we’re helping to weave. It’ a self-sustaining movement that’s rich with the threads of determination, colored by the hues of hope, and strengthened by the fabric of community support- A future that Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Jan Kalyan (ABFRJK) Trust continues to dream of and work towards.

As night falls, Anitha’s looms fall silent, Jayamma closes her fruit stall, and Chandramma puts away her sewing machine. But in homes across these villages, new dreams are taking shape, nurtured by the knowledge that with the right support, anything is possible.

In the grand workings of India’s constant development, ABFRL is weaving a pattern of empowerment, one thread at a time. And as the stories of Anitha, Jayamma, and Chandramma show, when given the opportunity, every individual has the power to rewrite their stories.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and ABFRL has taken that step with conviction and compassion. As we continue to empower communities and create sustainable livelihoods, we’re not just changing individual lives; we’re transforming the very fabric of rural India. In this tapestry of triumph, every thread tells a story of resilience, hope, and the indomitable human spirit.

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